

As the owner of (ahem) a fair few credit cards, I thought I would present a case for and against. Also known as credit card advantages and disadvantages.

Credit cards can get a bad rap but there are definitely, in my eyes, some major plus points for having one or two. So without further ado, let’s look at credit card advantages first.


A Good Credit Score

This, I would say, is one of the main advantages. A credit score is a means of showing whether you’re likely to be accepted for credit or not. If you have a good credit history of owning credit cards and paying them off on time, that counts toward your credit score.

Equally, your credit score is not affected if you check it, and as a by-the-by, the higher your score, the chances are you’ll have access to better interest rate deals.

Your credit score would also be checked when you’re applying for a mortgage or a bank loan. At any rate, to see how you’re currently doing on yours, you can do a free credit check on Experian.

For Emergencies

Should that be something that goes kaput with your car, within your home or, insert a.n.other. My shower springs to mind when water was cascading from the bottom as opposed to the shower head at the top. Ho hum.

Buy before payday

A convenient way to buy something before payday. Generally, an interest-free credit period of up to 56 days, check your small print (but don’t forget to pay it all off on payday, tut-tut).

Membership perks

Some cards offer free travel insurance, frequent flyer points, cashback rewards, and entertainment deals. Here’s a couple you might want to have a peek at, Barclaycard and Mastercard Priceless.

In addition, some supermarkets, for example, Tesco and Sainsbury’s, also have a banking element and provide credit cards which can have good rewards too.

Protection of goods and services purchased

In the UK, you’re also covered under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act, when you purchase goods and services with your credit card. With regards to value, the goods/service must be over £100 but under £30,000. Particularly useful if the supplier goes bust or keeps ignoring your SOS communications.

Another example is if you haven’t received said goods/services or if they don’t match what was specified. Particularly these poor souls. I’m not sure what my favourite is; the teddy bear in his chilled waving pose or the dog getting comfy on his doggie bed…


Temptation Central

Easy to spend especially if you feel like cheering yourself up whilst at the same time yelling ‘I AM ABUNDANT!’.

Interest rates

The idea is to get a 0% introductory rate however like most good things, they always come to an end. Make sure you diarise when you’re going to start being hit with an interest rate hike.

If you’re no longer on 0% then be aware of compound interest. See also 5 Reasons Why You Need A Money Management Worksheet.

It’s so easy to just keep making the minimum payment but if you do so then it could be years before your card is paid off. Not only that but the difference between what you’ve spent vs what you end up paying back will be HUGE.

Just paying an extra £5-£10 a month can make all the difference. Check out how you’re faring on a credit card calculator here

Cash withdrawal fees

Withdrawing cash from your card can be more costly than using it to pay for goods or a service. Therefore make sure you read the fine print to avoid having a nasty surprize when you open your next statement.


Scammers love using someone else’s credit card. However, although this is a disadvantage, an advantage is that if you notice something on your statement that isn’t yours and report it promptly, you usually won’t be liable. The Consumer Credit Act 1974 allows you to claim back unauthorised payments due to fraud.

Additionally, having been on the receiving end of a scammer, I’ve had my credit card company call me up to query a payment. As much as I would have loved an all-singing and a-dancing kitchen, purchasing one at the far end of the country, they realised, wasn’t my normal modus operandi.

Check out keeping your card safe online.


You can damage your credit rating if you don’t pay on time. So either set up a direct debit or make sure you diarise each month so that you don’t miss a payment.


If used sensibly then credit card advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

The main thing is that if you can’t pay it off in full each month, then to always overpay and pay more than the minimum.

Have an end goal too when you want to have it cleared by.

If you’ve got yourself a 0% deal over 12 -24 months then it’s easy peesy to divide your balance by the requisite months to get it cleared.

Oh and make sure you check your credit card statement!

How are you with credit cards? A ‘hell yeah sign me up!’ or a ‘hell no I run a mile from them’. Let us know in the comments!



woman in a hat at sunset

solo woman in hat at sunset

Looking for the best solo trips for women? Whether you’re a seasoned female solo traveller or a newbie wanting to dip your perfectly painted toes in, a small group travel trip could be just the answer you’re looking for.

A chance to explore, be with like-minded adventurous souls, and, phew, have the planning done for you. So here’s my take on the best solo trips for women (including women only tours) that can inspire and fulfil your wanderlust.


Did you know that Slovenia has the accolade of making National Geographic’s list of ‘Best of the World 2023’ and was also declared ‘Best in Travel 2022’ by Lonely Planet? Double whammy.

What can I say? Jaw-dropping beauty, friendly locals, and a foodie paradise.

Wanting to take you to ‘explore places that most people will never see’, Juliana Dever of Cleverdeverwhereever knows exactly how to take you there. Literally, as she is your personal host and will be accompanying you, alongside your guide, Tina, a born and bred Slovenian.

Experience Slovenia like a local – yes please.  Go off the beaten track – you betcha. Ditch the same old, same old, recited in well thumbed guidebooks – all hail.

Gelato with fresh olive oil topping anyone?

Using her line ‘A fairy tale, a Michelin Chef, and pristine nature walk into a bar…’ you get the drift on why Slovenia has been heaped such praise by good ole Nat Geo and Lonely Planet.

Additionally, slow travel tours are a speciality and include Slovenia, Ancient Rome to the Adriatic : 10 day cultural and foodie immersion. No quick peek, rush through travel here.

Group size is 8- 12 plus your host Juliana. 95% of guests are solo travellers and most are female. Private room options are also available for an additional supplement.


Another country making National Geographic’s Best of the World 2023 list is Italy. With its food, architecture, and breathtaking scenery, it’s easy to see why.

Doing things differently is ITALIAN FIX founded by the vivacious Bianca Gignac who met (and subsequently married) Alessandro, the week before she was due to fly back home. Not the marrying part, I hasten to add, there’s whirlwind and there’s whirlwind. Therein followed a relocation to Italy and also a falling in love with the nuances and energy of Bella Italia.

Who doesn’t want to get the feel of what it’s like to be a local?

An authentic immersion, so you experience rather than just pass through. One day you might be all glitzed up, gliding into a fancy pantsy award-winning restaurant. The next yaffling a takeout at the market, in your comfy exploring clothes and flats. Hell yeah. Being like a local is where it’s at.

Moreover utilising purposeful travel that supports smaller, family-run businesses and producers, from relationships that have been nurtured and grown. What’s not to love?

Manarola Cinque Terre Italy

Choose from ‘women only’ or ‘all adults welcome’ tours:

Cinque Terre

Puglia and Amalfi Coast

The Italian and French Riveras


The Islands of Amalfi


Group size is a maximum of 14-16 depending on the tour, with a fair chunk of guests who are solo travellers. Private room options are also available for an additional supplement.


And. There’s an awful lot of it to explore. Woohoo.

The following companies offer worldwide destinations for small inclusive groups of women, carrying on the hassle-free way to travel and my best solo trips for women list.

Responsible Travel founded in 2001, is another force for good. Thus all tours are closely vetted to support both local communities and nature. Their purpose to ‘inspire travellers to discover our beautiful and fragile planet; act urgently to restore nature and reduce carbon whilst being honest about our limitations and our need to be more inclusive’.

Women only holidays range from exploring cultural destinations such as Morocco (8 days), Cuba (8 days), and Romania (8 days), to name but a few.

Other goodies include a Safari in Tanzania and empowerment trips to Cape Verde or Mauritius. Furthermore, they offer a variety of walking, cycling, and kayaking holidays. Check out their list of women only tours.

Just a teeny handful (I’ve got small hands ok?) of the amazing adventures Wild Women Expeditions have available, come on down Galapagos Islands Active Adventure; Japan Pilgrimage Trail and Peru Explorer. There’s a variety of hiking adventures too. You can see their list of expeditions via their adventure month view calendar.

As a wild woman, you decide how wild you want to be. You might be sharing a room or a tent depending on how adventurous you are. Single rooms (and tents should you be that super mcduper adventurer, hmm Yellowstone National Park Adventure), are available at an additional charge.

Another thing to note is each trip has ‘the experience’ ‘is this trip right for me’ info link. This will show things such as adventure level, hiking level, and duration (if included). As for horse riding, not only the standard required but also the maximum weight for the horse! Go easy on the pies…

The last time I went horse riding I had a horse with the temperament of Maximus out of Tangled. Fess up my hair was a tangled mess by the end of it too as I held on for dear life whilst matey boy was giving it large.

Group size between 6-14 women, depending on trip destination, with an average group size of 8. A few exceptions are water experiences – Galapagos Yacht Adventure (up to 16 women), and some small-ship expeditions where you would be part of a bigger passenger group e.g  40 Wild Women on a 198 passenger boat.

Gutsy Girls offers adventure daysweekend retreats, and holidays. Their mission is to connect like-minded women through nature, sports, and adventure.

woman in snow looking up at mountain

As an approximation, most ‘Gutsy Girls guests are 24-60 years old, with around 60% in their 30s-40s’.

Additionally, I would also add that Gutsy aka ‘having or showing courage, determination, and spirit’ defies any age. Let’s face it, once you’ve learned to surf, mastered snowshoeing, and hiked peaks for stunning views you’ll feel like a carefree teenager again.

Trips include cross-country skiing and yoga combo’s in Norway (including beginner level); coastal hiking in Sardinia and more. Check out their adventure itineraries.

Wanting to freewheel it and head out on your own? Have a peek at Mojacar Almeria – how to get there and what to do

Well here endeth my list of the best solo trips for women. Thinking of heading out solo? Which trips have you added to your ‘to-do’? Do share and let us know what you think in the comments!



Groan. A money management worksheet? Tap, tap, tap as your card hits the card reader. All is well with the world. Ooh new shiny goodies. Ping. A text message. It’s from your bank advising that you’re using your overdraft. Bum. But. Never fear; you won’t incur charges as you’re within your overdraft limit. Phew. Thank heaven for small mercies. That is until you hit the next shop…

This wee scenario is just one of the reasons you need a money management worksheet!

For budgeting, investing, and getting out of the rat race, you need to have a scoobie of your money starting point.

Now let’s look at those other 5 reasons.


Is it just me? Loading up a money management worksheet, be that Excel or Google sheets, makes my heart rate rise. I know I’ve got to tackle those darn figures but trepidation doesn’t cover it.

Money mindset is a beast that can take you down a rabbit hole that you can’t find your way out of. Even more so for some women, myself included, as dealing with money has them running for the hills. And, I fess up, for me, wanting to do more interesting things with my time, rather than fire up my laptop, get that worksheet open, input and cross-check incoming and outgoing spondoolies.

The synopsis is that it is SO important that you engage, take notice and create a plan of action for your financial present AND financial future.


Dunno about you, but I’m very good at clocking the income, not so much the (yawn) expenditure part.
Although you can, of course, create your own money management worksheet, there are also ready-made ones you can download. Check out these money budget planners from Moneysavingexpert and MoneyHelper.

If you still decide you’d prefer to create your own, then at least you’ve got a guide on the framework to use.

Many banks provide a pie chart or graph of your expenditure so you get a ‘visual’ overview of where your money is going. If 30% of it is to Starbucks, I’d suggest you’d be better off investing in a coffee machine and opting for a BYO #justsaying

If you discover that you’re overspending and can’t see a way forward, touch base with your local Citizens Advice Bureau to see if you can get some assistance with your finances. Ignoring the reality of your situation only builds up anxiety and stress and can lead to sleepless nights alongside an impact on your mental health. Once you take control, things might not be as bad as you think. 

Piggy bank in shopping trolley



A great way to get an overview of your credit card or cards plural (and to see what it is really costing you), is to have a separate worksheet for said cards. Whether you’re on a 0% APR offer or more, include columns for the amount you are paying, monthly interest charges, and the balance.

It’s an eye-opener when you get a visual on compound interest, and see the breakdown of how much of your payment is going toward your original balance, and how much is going toward interest. Eek.


Please be truthful. If you don’t know the correct figure, you’re better to round up than down and overestimate as opposed to underestimating. Even if it does make you wince. Both your bank balance and potential savings pots to-be will thank you.

Don’t forget also that some months are going to be better than others. However tempting it is to copy and paste each month (believe me, I’ve been there); not every month is the same. Chrimbo and, the build up to, will be added expenditure on food, pressies, socialising and alike. However when you’re kicking back on your ‘olibobs your normal day to day food/travel expenditure isn’t going to be the same.

Should you pay for some items annually, for example, car insurance, home insurance et al, then if you pay for them in full out of your bank account, I would divide and reflect the charge monthly on your worksheet.

If it’s on your credit card then it can stay as an annual charge as you will have your separate credit card worksheet.


Although women are becoming more money savvy, the UK Adult Financial Wellbeing Survey 2021 Nation of Savers Report found that 62% of men had savings of more than £1000, compared to about half of women at 51%.

A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values – Barack Obama

So if your values are party, party, party or being Amazon’s number 1 shopper, go you. However, if you need to get your @#$%# together, want to spend x amount of time doing voluntary work, contribute to your favourite charities and not have to work until you’re 96, take a deep breath. You. Can. Do. This.

Saving – not only for a rainy day, also unexpected bills, unemployment (we all know you’re supposed to have 3-6 months ‘pay’ as a safety buffer). Savings for investments. It might be treat money too for that unexpected invite. How great to accept than decline due to lack of funds, eh?

Finally, as to how often you should update your money management worksheet, I would say it depends on how you get paid.

If you get paid weekly then update your worksheet weekly. Likewise if monthly, then update it monthly. That way you will have an accurate view of your expenditure before your next payday and can adjust accordingly.

The aim is not to spend every payday penny until you get an ‘ERR ERRRRR our survey says’, but to have a separate account where you can pop some money in each week/month. However small that might be, it all adds up.

money saving jar for holiday

Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant – P.T. Barnum

Round of applause for good ole P.T.Barnum. Take control of your money and make it work for you.

Are you a head in the sand or a savvy money saver? Do you use a money management worksheet? Let us know in the comments!



Ok, fess up I’m a shocker when it comes to sleep. 8 hours a night. Really? Not me, that’s for sure. You too? Time to look at some sleep solutions. But. Before we get onto them, a snippet of how some high-flying entrepreneurs get by on the Zzz’s front.

Elon Musk has said that he sleeps for 6 hours a night, usually hitting the sack at around 03:00 am.

Richard Branson aims for lights out at 11 pm with 5 – 6 hours combined with a 05:00 am rise. He also likes sleeping with the curtains open for a natural sunlight wake up. Note, he does however live on Necker Island so probably gets more sunlight than the rest of us mere mortals…

Oprah Winfrey has been known to have a sleep doctor. While Arianna Huffington’s well-documented sleep deprivation fall led her to launch both Thrive Global and publish The Sleep Revolution.

Sleep is the best medicine

Now it might well be that your body doesn’t need 8 hours and you function perfectly well on less. On the flipside, as far as sleep solutions go if you don’t have enough sleep you certainly know about it. Irritable, accident prone and zombie-like spring to mind. It’s jet lag without going on the jet.

Sleep is the best medicine to help us function and be firing on all cylinders.

From the moment you close your eyes and start to drift off to sleep, from lightest (where you tend to twitch), to lighter, your heart rate and breathing slow and your body temperature starts to drop.

Ever taken a yoga class and notice how you have to add a layer as you lay down and go into a meditative wind-down?

From there it’s deep sleep as the body sets to work on cell regeneration, restoration and repair. Alongside strengthening the immune system and increasing blood supply to muscles. Albeit a few of the body’s busy bee night time functions.

Next comes REM (rapid eye movement) where your heart rate increases and dreaming begins.

If you’re anything like me, then alas you rarely remember them. I keep meaning to put a notebook beside my bed to jot them down but ahem I keep forgetting to do that too. I’ve always had the memory retention of a peanut. Anyway, I digress. Here’s me after a restless night. Obviously prior to following my tips…

Sleep solutions - restless night

Sleep solutions – 17 tips to improve the quality of your sleep

1. Darkness

Although I know a few friends who have to sleep with the light on, darkness, blackout blinds or a sleep mask is where it’s at. Or where it should be at. Research has shown that exposure to light reduces the production of melatonin. This can cause disruption to your sleep/wake up cycle and affect your blood pressure.

2. A Good Mattress

There’s nothing worse than a soft lumpy mattress. As for replacing it, consensus is every 7-8 years. Of course, this depends on use and along with new technology construction/fillings, it could last longer. Feel like you’re sleeping in a trench? Then it could well be replacement time.

3. Pillow

Memory foam, fluffy down and feathers or flat as a pancake. It’s a personal kinda thing. I only opt for one pillow though others swear by two. Head here to check out the best pillow for your sleep position.

4. Room Temperature

Room temperature. Make sure it’s right for you, whether you’re the kind of sleeper who prefers a thin sheet or a 13.5 tog duvet, aim for a room temperature between 15 – 19 degrees C (60 – 67 F).

5. No screens

Blue light is no-no as it gets our brain firing and a wiring and the last thing those neurons want to do is unwind and go to sleep.

6. Sleepy tea anyone?

My personal fav is Pukka Night Time Organic with dreamy herbs, lavender, chamomile and valerian. Yum.

7. Caffeine a no no

Avoid caffeine late in the day or go for decaf options. Be that coffee, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and alike. Check out your local health food store for non caffeinated alternatives.

8. Alcohol

The consensus is that alcohol is detrimental, disrupting your sleep pattern with frequent wake-ups. I do have friends who say that it makes them sleep better. Not that I’m advocating a wee dram at bedtime you understand.

9. Clutter clear

I swear this makes such a difference; otherwise I’m all twitchy mcwitchy and can’t relax until I’ve cleared a load of crap away #sigh

10. Midnight munchies

Avoid late-night eating and a tummy fit to burst pre-snooze time. This might link back to number 8 as it’s usually a carb fest post alcohol (or is that just me?).

11. Reach for a banana

An exception to the late night eating routine. Bananas contain sleep-inducing nutrients like tryptophan, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium, and carbs. Although steer clear if you have breathing issues or a cough or cold.

12. Exercise

Exercise is best avoided near bedtime when it stimulates and energizes your bod. Opt for earlier in the day instead where as well as being good for you, regular exercise helps with your sleep.

13. Read. A. Book.

Penguin Random House, Read to Sleep survey, found that bedtime readers, on an average day of the week, were getting 25 minutes extra sleep compared to non-bedtime readers. They also rated their sleep quality higher too. Here’s some bedtime reading you might like to check out.

14. Sleep Spray

Check out Tropic’s multi award-winning So Sleepy pillow mist. Containing Lavender, Chamomile and Frankincense. Dreamy doesn’t cover it.

15. Night sweats

If you’re having sleep problems due to the menopause, sleep with a fan on.

16. Get into the Zen zone

Go for a wind down sleepy meditation or Binaural Beats and hit those delta frequencies.

17. Tick tock

Laying there tossing n a turning for 30 minutes or more? The best thing to do is get up and do something (non-stimulating) until sleep hits you. Step away from the TV or your laptop. Grab a book to read (non- heart-racing thriller), meditate or pop on some soothing music.

So in the words of INXS – New Sensation:

Sleep, baby, sleep

Now that the night is over

And the sun comes

Like a God into our room

All perfect light and promises

How’s sleep for you – are you a yay or nay on the sleep front?

Furthermore, do you have your own little bedtime snooze-a-thon routine as part of your sleep solutions? If so do share in the comments and let us know!



introvert traveller

introvert traveller

So how to travel solo if you’re shy and an introvert?You certainly don’t have to be all a-singing and a-dancing to travel solo. I’m actually quite shy when I meet new people.

According to psychologist Jonathan Cheek, there are 4 kinds of introvert. The social, the thinking, the anxious and the restrained. Taking the first letter of each, he named his research model STAR.


The social introvert has a preference for solitude with a good book but is happy to attend small gatherings as opposed to large group meet ups.


The thinking introvert is self reflective and thoughtful.


The anxious introvert feels anxious and awkward in social situations which can also trigger lack of self confidence issues.


The restrained introvert counts to 10 before they speak . Ok that might be a bit too literal but hey they think before they speak or take action. Being restrained they might not be the first to volunteer or leap into something either.


Either way, if you’re an introvert it’s great if you go travelling solo. Why? Solo travel suits introverts perfectly. You’re happy with your own company and for some alone time. The local cafe for a drink. To the beach or park to read or to the cinema to immerse yourself in some big screen action.

Back to restrained leaping. You don’t need to leap on a plane, boat or train and head abroad for your first solo outing. Oh no siree.

It could be that you dip your toes in by booking a hotel for a solo weekend away or join a small group mini tour close to home.

As great as it is to meet other travellers, local or international, here’s my tips for introverts on solo travel. You need to:


May I suggest …

Load up your kindle or a.n.other reading device with your favourite authors or, you know, those books you’ve been meaning to read.

kindle reading

Love the feel of a paperback? Me too. Squeeze a book or two in with your packing. If it’s a mini trip that should do you, unless of course it’s such a page turner that you look like Penelope the Panda in the morning. Either way, there’s bound to be the opportunity of swapsies along the way.

Belong to a movie subscription service? Come on down Apple TV, Netflix, Prime, Sky et al. Get those movies downloaded pronto. Great for those long journeys as well as hotel room chilling.

Make sure you have your listening device of choice, raring to go with your music and podcasts. May I also recommend noise-cancelling headphones.

So now you’re ready to hit the road.


You could ease yourself in gently and start with a small group tour. Whether you are looking at specific destinations or certain passions, be it opera in Italy or photography with National Geographic, sleuth to find something that ticks all your boxes.

As for small adventure tours, I have heard great things about Intrepid and Explore (average group size 10 and 12 respectively).

Decision criteria? Well as, dare I say, the norm of reviews, age range and group size, don’t forget the importance of asking how much free time you have. That’s your zen and recharge space. Ommm.

There’s generally always an option to have your own room for a supplement.

Looking for something that’s a bit more of a treat and hidden gems a-plenty? Italian Fix specializes in the Cinque Terre and Sicily. They provide the coolest private experiences, be it outdoor dining, private boat excursions or visits to private homes. Oh yes, please. Who doesn’t like a peek at a private home? They also offer a choice of women only tours.


If a group, will-you-or-won’t-you-get-on, tour really isn’t your thing, then have a look at exploring and travelling solo combined with a hotel or Airbnb.

For the latter you could rent the entire accommodation or accommodation with the host in residence. Be that a private room, annex or separate dwelling at the end of the garden.

If opting for accommodation that includes the host in residence, then you’re not stuck out somewhere on your own. Hey there’s introvert and introvert, plus there’s exploring to be done.

By having a local in situ there’s insight and potential (small scale) socializing to be had. You can always make your excuses and retreat to your abode for updating your travel journal if you’re not feeling chatty.

If you want to give hostels a try, it’s a great way to meet fellow travellers in a relaxed environment, be that in the kitchen making a meal or chilling in the lounge area reading a book.

Single rooms or doubles for sole occupancy are up for grabs. YHA hostels generally have a good age range thus as a solo travel introvert, you also avoiding staying in party central.

Generator Hostels are design-led hostels offering affordable luxury rooms for travellers and locals of Europe’s coolest cities. Cool city locations include Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Hamburg, London, Miami, Rome, Stockholm, Venice, Paris and Washington D.C.

Opt for your own room for your personal space and continued zen.


Whatever your accommodation, it’s good to book a day trip here or there.

It might just be group transport to get you to a ‘must see’ attraction that is off the beaten track. Then it’s the best of both worlds. Company and hassle free transport and time alone to explore once you’re there. Or perhaps it’s with a local guide sharing their knowledge with a small group.

On the flip side, if you find yourself on organised tour after tour then look into renting a driver for the day and creating your own itinerary. Check with your accommodation for regulated and recommended drivers. Depending on your location, it doesn’t have to be a budget busting experience.


Time Out is a great resource for things to do and what’s happening in cities worldwide. Meetup is a great too for social and special interest events. Most cities also offer walking tours too. Dip in and out of conversation as you wish, whilst seeing the sights at a leisurely pace. Perfect.

And. Don’t forget a travel guide book! Although there’s so much information online, once you’re out and about, you can’t beat having a ‘proper’ for want of a better term, book with you to refer to without navigating the size of your phone screen. My personal favourite is Lonely Planet but check out Rough Guides and Frommer’s to name but a few.

Happy travelling solo? Check out The Best Solo Trips for Women. Are you an introvert solo traveller? Do let us know in the comments!



wealth dollars and laptop

wealth dollars and laptop

Righty ho, let’s start by saying that I’m far from a wealth expert. Many a time money has slipped through my fingers like a slippery eel. Either that or I’ve been done over by some boo hiss baddie, without a conscience, who has stitched me up like a kipper.

So I’m on a financial freedom quest to get my money in order and working for me.

I kinda figured that I’ll share what I find so that we can be on the path to our millions together. Deal?

For me, my go-to has always been – I’m not that bothered or interested in money – as if viewing people who are, as obsessive and greedy. Well go figure, wake up JB, you need to be interested unless you want to be working until you’re 96.

I’m sure I’m not alone with a bit of a head in the sand or just not really making it a priority. Let’s be honest financial spreadsheets aren’t exactly come hither sexy and enticing.

Your mantra might be – I’m never any good with money. Keep saying that and sure enough you’re on the self-fulfilling prophecy route.

So in light of the above, a good place to start in my humble.


AKA. How you view money.

mindset words

Do you get paid and keep drawing money out until there’s nothing left and you’re living on a wing, a prayer and pot noodle until the next pay day? Or. Are you a bit of a savvy saver squirrelling it away? Perhaps you’re a bit of both?

It’s interesting to note how many lottery winners end up broke. I wonder if it’s because they feel bad that they have so much money that they end up giving it all away. Be that to charitable causes, drinking establishments, the local drug dealer or strip joints.

Or is it because once they have a lump sum of money, they think it’ll always be there and won’t disappear? You go crazy. Buy the houses, the private plane and designer clothes then puff like the Genie in Aladdin, it’s all gone.

There are also those lottery winners who aside from a new home and a car or two, still have their money and see it growing, thank you very much.

We all know we should save, heck I’ve got a mate like Sammy the Squirrel, but for me I like a bit of balance of spending and saving.

Perhaps it’s also the sayings that have been ingrained into you when growing up or just generally being around money naysayers.

Take ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘money is the root of all evil’. Mwah ha ha. Sorry getting a bit carried away. Thought I’d pop in a villain’s laugh and while I’m at it, here’s a villain …


If you’re curious and not sure (or you’re doing that sand head dive) on your mindset then check out the money mindset quiz.

Ok duly enlightened?


Then let’s now look at an eye opening and jaw dropping experiment.

In 2015, Mark Dice, a media analyst, went out and about on the streets clutching a bundle of Hershey chocolate bars and a 10 oz bar of silver bullion. The silver bar was valued at $150 at the time.

In this money experiment, he was offering for FREE, a choice of the bar of, albeit chilled, chocolate/candy or the 10 oz bar of silver.

Go on. Go on. Guess. Out of the 8 people he asked, how many opted for the chocolate/candy bar?  Yep. That’ll be all 8 of them.

I can’t make up my mind if the lunchtime and people were hungry combo swayed them. Or if perhaps they were all suffering from heatstroke.

I had high hopes for one but the dialogue went like this:

Lady: ‘I don’t err I don’t have any way to do anything with the silver.’

Mark: ‘So you prefer the Hershey bar?’

Lady: ‘Yeah but is it real?’

Mark : ‘Yes. Just straight out of the fridge.’

Lady: ‘Doesn’t seem real.’

Mark: ‘The Hersey bar doesn’t seem real. I mean we can go into the coin shop (they were standing outside of) and verify that the silver bar is real.’

Lady: ‘No, that’s alright. I always take the chocolate.’

Doh. Yes this might be 2015 but I fear things might not have changed much. Is it a case of too good to be true or not having a clue on the value of money?

The moral of the story is never make a decision when hungry.

Additionally, if there’s no silver foil, like a Chrimbo tree let-me-unwrap-you decoration, then grab the silver bar with both hands. And. Run. As you do so, mime a cheery ‘thanks’ wave, as you sprint off into the distance…

The 3 min vid is worth an incredulous view.

Go on. Fess up. Chocolate bar or silver bar? Let me know in the comments!



celery and celery juice

Quoted as the must consume elixir by many a celeb and health enthusiast, celery juice packs a mighty punch.

Eaten in its raw form, aside from a high percentage of water, celery contains many nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. On the vitamin front, K being the highest with smaller quantities of A, C and B to name but a few.

Extracted as a juice, the nutrients are even more potent.

Another accolade is for record breaking.

The Guinness World Records lists the heaviest celery plant as a whooping 42 kg (92 lb 9 oz) specimen, verified at the CANNA UK National Giant Vegetables Championships in 2018.

In the ‘my celery is taller than yours’ department, another record was set in the UK, with the world record tallest coming in at 2.74 m (9 ft).

Now it might feel like your fridge gets taken over by celery as you go on your juicing quest but rest assured you won’t need 42 kg worth.

So fest up, I dabbled with celery juice a few years back but kinda got off track with it. In large part due to a bit of a mare I had going on at the time.

Fast forward. Recently having non-stop page turned, Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide by Anthony William, I’m back on it.

A brilliant, insightful and enlightening read into the healing power of celery juice.

Firstly to set the record straight, Anthony refers to celery as a herb and not a vegetable. The book contains lots of testimonials regarding a variety of chronic symptoms that celery juice has helped to alleviate. Citing sodium cluster salts that kill off pathogens that are responsible for your symptoms and conditions.

Friends/family hearing that I was about to go on the celery juice route once more commented:

‘He can’t think of any benefits to celery juice either’ (referring to my photo below).


‘Liver detox?’ enquired another.

Now I’m sure that my liver could do with a good detox, but for me it’s about general wellbeing and cleansing, inserts halo (along with said liver detox!). So being the brave intrepid warrior that I am, I soldiered on.


First time around I had a bit of a whizzy juice extractor. Not that it was whizzy in a good way. Rather it spun so fast (normally the cheaper juicers known as centrifugal) that the pulp extraction was a soggy mess. The juice had a LOT of foam and indeed in my case a measure of pulp ended up thrown in with the juice. Not a great tasting experience.

This time around I’ve got a slow juicer aka a masticating juicer. Come on down my Nama Vitality 5800. A much quieter number than the loud, shouty, go faster one I had before. It also extracts a lot more juice and practically spits out dry pulp. None of said pulp makes it’s way into my juice either plus minimal/no foam. Yay. Happy days.

The choice, as always, is yours. Check out slow –v- fast juicers here.


It is recommended that you start with 16 oz (roughly one bunch of celery) and you can then progress to 32 oz if you have chronic symptoms. If in doubt, please consult your doctor first, especially if you have kidney stones or kidney conditions.


I soak my celery in the sink in cold water and add a couple of tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to clean and get pesticides off. Note – I do NOT mix Apple Cider Vinegar with my juice which is a big no no.


Never mix your celery juice with anything else. It will defeat and negate the goodness.

Drink if possible, first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach sans teeth brushing.

You don’t need to knock it back like Tequila shots (cue memory of a night out in Brighton the other week).

You can sip, but try and consume within the hour as the longer your juice is out in the open, the quicker it’s potency decreases.

You can make it the night before and if refrigerated with a lid, it can last 24 hours.

I tend to prep the night before with regards to soaking those pesky pesticides off and then I fresh juice first thing in the morning.

After consumption, wait 30 minutes before you consume anything else.

Further FAQ’s on celery juice can be found here


A bit of a cleanse – umm for want of a better term. Perhaps don’t wander too far from home at the beginning of said cleanse, otherwise there might be a bit of buttock clenching.

Better sleep. Praise be.

Waking up with a clear head as opposed to the foggy mist as I normally come to.

Glowing skin – that’ll be all those vits and antioxidants. High five. I feel another YAY coming on.


For me, my juicer this time around has really made a real difference to the taste of my juice. So if you can spend a bit more or use your bonus (that’ll be me), it’s a worthy investment.

Don’t be tempted to put all the leaves (or any for that matter) through your juicer either. I tried that. Blurgh. Bitter doesn’t cover it.

Finally, back to the all arm waving, high kicking header, Rah Rah Celery.

Did you know that March is National Celery month? Plenty of time to get your pom poms at the ready …

If you’re already a celery juice devotee do pop a comment in and let me know how it’s working for you!