

A close up view of the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.

A close up view of the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.

Eh, what? Florence in a day! Is one day in Florence enough, I hear you cry. Now I agree, Florence aka Firenze, the city of Renaissance art, mouth-watering cuisine, and gelato that evokes a passionate sigh, needs more than one day of your time.

But. If you’re umming and aahing on whether to include a day in Florence in your whirlwind tour of Italy or save it for a slower longer indulgence, let me tempt you with this taster itinerary. You can always (and really should) come back for more.


Rise and shine. If you’re not normally an early riser, time to shake a leg and get up early to avoid the crowds. Great photos are to be had without someone’s arm, leg, or head inadvertently becoming the focal point.

If you’re a super early riser, you’ll also get to see the sun as it starts to peek over the rooftops and cast its magical warm glow over the historic wonder that is Firenze. However, you don’t need to flick flack out of bed at silly o’clock. I headed out around 07:30, that wasn’t too painful and just as rewarding.

Make sure you pop on your comfy walking shoes (unlike my schoolgirl error of flip-flops) as there are a lot of cobblestone streets. Grab your camera, water bottle, and andiamo!

So morning is for some of the wonders located within the historic centre. Step onto the Ponte Vecchio, literal translation, the “old bridge,” relishing the zen-like tranquility of minimal crowds and hustle and bustle, where rows of enchanting jewelry boutiques beckon.

Originally, the bridge hosted various shops, including butchers, fishmongers, and tanners. However, in the late 16th century, Grand Duke Ferdinand I decreed that only goldsmiths and jewellers could operate on the bridge to improve both its aesthetic appeal and avoid the pongy stench from the previous trades.

Then, in no particular order, whether it’s the whole shebang of three or a long lingering look at one or two, brace yourself to be intoxicated by:


The Duomo, aka the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Conceived in the 13th century through to the 15th century, boy was construction a lengthy process. Gothic design with Renaissance artistry? Tick and tick. This magnificent iconic structure combines both. Feast your eyes on the stunning dome, designed by Brunelleschi, comprising of a dome within a dome which was innovative both in design, and in the way it was constructed. A fresco, The Last Judgement, accredited to Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari, adorns and enhances the interior of the dome. Vasari, a man of many talents, painter, writer and architect, also designed the Uffizi Gallery.

The Duomo in Florence, Firenze


The Galleria dell’Accademia is home to the masterpiece that is Michaelangelo’s David. Fess up I’ve visited it multiple times and every time it makes me cry. I’m not quite sure what stirs such emotion. I know I’m not alone with the water works. Perhaps it’s the perfection, history, and embodiment of the Renaissance period that Michaelangelo’s sculpture represents. If you’re anything like me, have your tissues at the ready. Replicas of David can be found at Piazza della Signoria, at the entrance of the Palazzo Vecchio, and Piazzale Michaelangelo. The original statue, unveiled in the piazza in 1504, was moved to the Galleria dell’Accademia in 1873 to protect it from the elements.


The Uffizi. Back on the subject of masterpieces, the Uffizi Gallery is home to some of the most famous works of art in the world, including Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Annunciation’ and Botticelli’s ‘The Birth of Venus’. It’s also one of the oldest art museums in the world. Commissioned in 1560 by Cosmo I de’Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and completed in 1581, Uffizi literally translates to offices, in this case for Tuscany’s justical and administration presence. Over time the Medici family started using the upper floors for their private art collection until 1769 when the doors were officially open to the general public as an art gallery.

Heads up. Pre-book in advance to avoid disappointment! Tickets to: Duomo, Galleria dell’Accademia, and The Uffizi.

FYI – you can mix up your Florence in a day experience with evening visits during the summer time, although for special occasions, other periods of the year might also be up for grabs.


Right, you’ve been a morning culture vulture. Now it’s time to rest your weary feet and indulge in some Italian cuisine. Nom. Nom. Nom.

May I propose for your day in Florence an escape from the crowds by crossing the Arno River to the Oltrarno district. Here you’ll find a more laid-back vibe and fewer tourists. Oltrarno, which translates to ‘beyond the Arno’, is known for its artisan workshops with handcrafted goodies such as shoes, leather bags, furnishings, and sculptures.

Traditional Florentine cuisine can be had at the quaint cafes and traditional trattorias. where you can savour the likes of Bistecca alla Florentine (Florentine steak), Ribollita (Tuscan bread soup), and Cantucci (almond biscuits with Vin Santo.

After lunch take a stroll around the serene Gardino di Boboli, otherwise known as Boboli Gardens.  If you over indulged on pasta made by nonna, you could also find yourself partaking in a riposo. Zzzz’s.


Remember that passionate sigh I mentioned? Well, now’s the time, though if you’ve already succumbed, who can blame you?

Gelato, as Italians will tell you, is most definitely not the same as ice cream. No. No. No. Due to its slower churning process and lower fat content, it has a silkier and denser texture, resulting in a more intense flavour. Hence the ummmm sigh. My favourite is Stracciatella, vanilla with slivers of dark chocolate running through. I reckon you’ve earned two scoops eh?

Spending an evening in Florence is a magical experience. Grab your gelato and head up to Piazzale Michelangelo for a panoramic sunset view of the city. From here, the iconic Duomo and Ponte Vecchio jostle for the spotlight in Florence’s skyline, perfectly framing a picture over the River Arno.

Sunset view from Piazzale Michelangelo Florence

Stroll back down to the city centre exploring the cobblestone streets, evening markets, and boutique shops. And, of course, you must walk across the Ponte Vecchio once more to soak up the nighttime vibe. It’s also beautifully lit in the evening carrying on that magical theme.

Your night ends at a rooftop bar or with some people watching at Piazza della Signoria. A vibrant piazza with a blend of history, art, restaurants, and cafe outdoor dining. A popular place for both locals and tourists to eat, drink and socialise.

So there you have it, a day in Florence, done and dusted. Saluti! Tempted? Let me know in the comments! I’m sure 47 Travel Quotes to Inspire (And Induce Wanderlust) might also help make your mind up.



stressed woman holding her head in her hands on a capri pink background

stressed woman holding her head in her hands on a capri pink background

Fess up, I have used EFT tapping for stress as it was either give that a go or pull clumps of my hair out. As a Leo, despite having an abundance of the latter, I also have a low pain threshold. The other reason it was mighty useful was to extract my shoulders from my ear holes.

If you have situations where you too want to pull your hair out or get your shoulders back snug in their normal resting place, may I introduce you to the wonderful world of tapping.


Imagine stepping into a world where stress melts away like an ice cream on a hot sunny day. That’s the magic of tapping therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)Conceived in the 1990’s by Gary Craig, an avid student of Dr Roger Callahan, who was the founder of Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

Stripping back the complexities and prescriptive nature of TFT, Craig introduced EFT.

Like cousins from the same energy-healing family tree, TFT and EFT are based on acupuncture meridian points and blocked energy. However, Craig’s EFT technique proposed a standardised sequence of tapping for all emotional issues. Yay. Think of it as a roadmap to navigate your body. It’s easier to learn, no fancy pansy equipment required, and super accessible. Happy days.

Throw in some positive affirmation statements whilst you focus on what’s stressing you, packs a mighty KO punch on stress and those pesky emotions that keep you up at night.


If tapping is now sounding woo-woo, check out the evidence-based scientific studies that have documented the difference it has made to well-being as you tap into your energy and neural pathways.

Studies have shown that by tapping on the meridian points of your body a calming signal is sent to the amygdala part of your brain. That’s in the fight or flight response chain. A calming effect occurs and the stress hormone, cortisol is also lowered. Oh yeah baby.

brain waves on blue luna background


Well, I would say that the first benefit that springs to mind is no hefty price tag. It’s also super easy to learn and can be practiced anywhere at anytime.

Another great advantage of tapping is that it can be done in as little as 5 – 10 minutes. No reason for the good ‘ole ‘I just don’t have the time’ excuse.

Aside from EFT tapping for stress, tapping has had very good results with other emotion triggers including, but not limited to anxiety, PTSD, sleep patterns and productivity.

All you need is a willingness to tap into your inner wisdom, go for it, and embrace the journey of self-exploration. 


Are you sitting comfortably in a quiet zen zone? Then let’s begin.

Firstly, let’s address the stressor that’s been living in your mind rent-free. Be that work issue, relationship drama – family, friend, partner, or maybe it’s a never-ending to-do list? The plan of action is to acknowledge, embrace, and kick that stress into touch.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed are you? 10, being you have just eaten the entire contents of your fridge.

Mentally make a note of that number before you begin.

Now for the magic. How you tap is up to you. Using 4 fingers or 2, it’s just a gentle tapping motion on the points listed below. You can tap with one hand or use both hands.

With each tap you’re not just touching the meridian points on your body, you are also sending calming signals to your brain. Oooh.

You also need a set up phrase. As we’re feeling stressy, for this it could be something along the lines of ‘Even though I’m feeling incredibly stressed because of x, I choose to relax and let it go.’

woman's hands EFT karate chop pose pink jumper


The EFT tapping points are a sequence of 9 meridian points. The order can vary as can the number of rounds you do.

Okey dokey, here we go EFT tapping points:

1. The karate chop point: this point is located on the fleshy part of your hand between your pinky finger and wrist. Here you also start with your set up phrase. Say it out loud and proud or quietly in your head.

2. The eyebrow point: this point is at the beginning of your eyebrow, closest to the bridge of your nose.

3. The side of the eye point: this point is located on the bone at the outer corner of your eye.

4. Under the eye point: this point is directly below your pupil on the bone under your eye.

5. Under the nose point: this point is above your upper lip, in between your nose and mouth.

6. Chin point: this point is located in between your lower lip and chin, right in line with your bottom teeth.

7. Collarbone Point: this point is pretty self-explanatory – you’re tapping with two hands, one on each side

8. Under Arm: this point is around 4 inches/10 cm from your armpit, where your bra strap is.

9. Top of the head

Once you’ve completed your sequence cycle, check back in on your stress-0-meter. How’s that figure doing now? Has it gone down?

To see this sequence in action, check out this short vid by Nick Ortner. Whizz to 2:10 if you want to dive straight into a 5 min tapping session but the first couple of minutes are well worth a listen in my humble.

As the visionary CEO of The Tapping Solution, Nick and his co-founder siblings Jessica and Alex, are on a worldwide mission to empower people to lead healthy stress-free lives. Amen.

On the subject of stress-free, you might like to take a peek at 7 Quick Ways to Improve Wellbeing


In conclusion, having dipped my tippy toes in a couple of years back, I’m always first in line when it comes to an EFT tapping for stress sess. I hope that even if you’re a sceptic (hey the world needs those), you might carve out a few mins to give it a try. If so, how was it for you? Are you in a zen bliss? Do let us know in the comments!



pink piggy bank on pile of dollars



pink piggy bank on pile of dollars

Well, I’ll give it to good ‘ole P.T. Barnum (the Greatest Showman and Roll up, Roll up, circus fame) with his infamous quote ‘Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant’. Never a truer word said, especially if you want to start to make money work for you.

It’s time to take control, pop your big girl pants on, and assign some tasks to achieve your financial goals and make for a less stressy money future.

That’s me talking to myself. Righty ho. Where to start?


A financial plan, or money management worksheet, just tippy type it or write it down. You need to know your starting point otherwise you’ll be aimlessly wandering through a bliss of one card/phone/watch KA-CHING tap, tap, tap, after another. Which hey is great if you have an endless pot of money, go fill your boots. If you haven’t well, look, I know it’s painful. Me and spreadsheets know where you’re coming from.

So what are your goals?  Both short-term and long-term. Do you want to pay off your credit cards? Are you saving for a house, car or that dream holiday that has been on your to-do for far too long? What about retirement planning?

By really thinking about what you want to achieve and how you are going to do it, you can make your money not only work for you but work effectively for you. Hooray.

turquoise car and 3 jars of coins


Check out CHIP an instant access savings account managed via app. Powered by Clearbank, with a mission to ‘build wealth for our generation’. CHIP keeps its eye on the Bank of England base rate and reacts quickly.  Their instant access account is currently offering 4.84% AER. So if, for example, you deposited £1000, assuming the rate didn’t change in the 12 months (back to governed by the Bank of England), then you would earn £48.40 interest.

Although that doesn’t sound that much, with flexibility in mind and as a starting point, it might be a good place to start. You can, of course, also increase your monthly contributions to bump up your monthly interest.

Popped too much in and have a sudden financial emergency where you need your cash? No problem with instant access. Of course, that has an effect on the savings you are accruing, but it provides peace of mind knowing that your money isn’t locked up requiring multiple form filling and angst to get your hands on.

No minimum amount restriction, invest from £1 up to £250,000. Additionally, there’s no limit on the number of withdrawals or a reduced rate because your balance is lower.

If you have a bit more cash, (£1000 minimum), and also like the idea of supporting a good cause then head on over to Oxbury. They also offer an instant access account – variable rate, currently at 4.94% AER variable rate, note if you go below £1000 that rate will change.

Oxbury’s mission statement is ‘every pound saved with Oxbury helps support British farmers and food producers’ thereby backing British farmers and British agriculture.

If you have a large lump sum and are more flexible on access, interest and restrictions then an ISA might be the way to go.


If all your cash is currently tied up on paying bills and you can only dream about saving, then howsabout checking out round-up apps?

Round-up apps are money apps that make it sooo easy for you to start to save. Firstly, you decide on the level of round-up. It might be to the nearest £1, so if you purchase something that costs £2.20, the round-up would make it £3.00. The difference of 0.80p would then go into your app savings pot. If you’re really on a mission, you could set it up to the nearest £5.00. So out of a £2.20 purchase, £2.80 would go into your savings pot.

From personal experience, just using the nearest £1 round-up put a not-to-be-sniffed-at, extra £70 into my savings pot in one month.

Your money will go into pockets, savings pots, or wallets and be accumulated there. If you find that you need the money that month you can pause round-up payments or indeed go ahead and make a withdrawal back to your bank account.

It’s saving without realising you are saving. Well, of course, you realise you are saving because you’ve set it up, but hey you know what I mean. P-a-i-n-l-e-s-s.

Round-up apps to check out include PlumSpare Change (part of Revolut) and if you bank with Monzo they also offer auto save and round-up.


By giving yourself a budget, be that daily, weekly, or monthly, you are helping yourself to manage your finances effectively. Most banks offer an overview/breakdown of where your spondoolies are going. Who doesn’t love a colourful all-singing-and-a-dancing bar or pie chart? An insightful peek (which also might lead to a shriek) into where your money is going. A large chunk of pie shown for takeout coffee? Time to redirect and make that money work for you.

colourful bar and pie chart


Keeping tabs on investment strategies, market dynamics, and personal finance is paramount for making well-informed decisions. In an ever-changing financial world, you might decide to consult with financial experts, enroll in courses, or sign up for financial newsletters the likes of Motley Fool, to enhance your knowledge.

Whatever option you decide to take to make money work for you, be wary of the get-rich-quick schemes. For want of stating the obvious, if there are high returns, the offset of that is generally high risk

Is the provider regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)? The governing financial body in the UK whereby your rights as a consumer are protected by law. If in doubt you can check the Financial Services Register here.

Finally don’t be afraid to tweak, adjust and revisit. Decisions don’t have to be set in stone and you should pop a diary date in to review your expenditure regularly. Although not so regularly that it feels like you should be sitting on the naughty step.

On the spending front, not all credit cards are baddies. Check out Credit Card Advantages and Disadvantages.

Now over to you. Is ‘make money work for you’ your middle name or rather ‘urrgh money, I just like to spend it’? Do let us know in the comments!



Round Robin poster with steam train

Round Robin poster with steam train

Oh me. Oh my. Ever had one of those day trips you hope will nevveerrrr end? If you haven’t, then you’re in for a real treat. Take a curtesy, take a bow, hog the stage, the ‘Paignton Round Robin’.

Paignton is a seaside town located on the English Riviera. Why yes, we do have our own Riviera. In this case, the banner of the English Riviera encompasses the seaside resorts of Torbay, Torquay, Paignton, and Brixham.

If you have a ‘real’ camera -v- your phone, I highly recommend packing it for this goodie. 


Well, I’m glad you’ve asked. It’s a sequence or series of events. In travel that could be a type of itinerary that involves multiple destinations in a circular or looped route. In this case, it also includes a variety of fun and fabulous modes of transport. Woohoo. Firstly it’s the old ‘slam-door’ trains with lovely carriages pulled by a steam train. Think of Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Express (though for that particular ride, you need to go to Scotland). Next, it’s a wee ferry. Followed by a 90-minute boat cruise. Finally, it’s an open top bus. All Aboard. Sorry, sorry, getting a bit carried away. I know I hide it well on how much I love this trip! Right, calm down JB.


Au contraire. Although I’m starting this day trip adventure from Paignton a la Paignton Round Robin. You can, as befits a ‘Round Robin’ loop, also begin your journey at Dartmouth or Totnes.

I’ve chosen Paignton as the starting point because I love the ramped up excitement (but that might just be me!) of travelling this way with regard to hopping on the steam train first and having the boat cruise to look forward to.

So this itinerary will be:

Paignton – Kingswear = steam train / Kingswear – Dartmouth = ferry / Dartmouth – Totnes = boat cruise / Totnes – Paignton = open top bus*

*open top bus, is dependent on the good ‘ole Brit weather and operational requirements.


The Round Robin runs on selected dates from April to October. The fare of £36 gets you a 20-25 minute steam train ride, a 5 minute ferry crossing, a 90 minute boat cruise plus a 20-30 minute bus ride. Oh yeah baby!

Fess up I’ve always rocked up and bought my tickets on the day from the Dartmouth Steam Railway and River Boat Company ticket office. Their building is situated alongside the mainline level crossing, a 3 minute walk from Paignton train station. Come out of the main station, turn right and you’ll see the signs. 

Alternatively, if it’s peak season, weekend, must-do, or you just like to know you’ve got your tickets sorted then you can book online. For specific timings, an itinerary planner and to book your tickets head on over here.


So the first part of the adventure is on a steam train. I’ll go as far to say that I skip along the platform to said train (that is my level of joy) clutching my ticket with carriage and seat number.

As previously mentioned, the train consists of slam-door retro train carriages pulled by a steam engine. A step back in time. Lovely wood paneling and a tad more decadent carriages than you would normally experience on your 9-5 train commute.

Several steam engines are used, all of which have rather fabulous names. I’ve travelled on board with Braveheart (c. 1951), Hercules (a grandaddy c. 1920) and Goliath (c. 1924). For any train spotters out there, you can feast your eyes and get your notepads out for the dets on all of the locomotives and steam engines.

Once seated comfortably, the wonderfully nostalgic journey takes you alongside Paignton’s Goodrington Sands with its colourful beach huts, followed by the stunning scenery of Torbay. Broadsands Beach is next before you enter the beautiful woods of Long Wood. Travelling alongside the River Dart you come to the very picturesque harbour at Dartmouth and your final destination (well there is only one destination), Kingswear.

Goliath steam train coming into Dartmouth, Devon


The ferry is all ready and waiting for you when you alight the train. You can’t miss it. Just follow to the end of the platform which takes you down a slight ramp and viola there it is. The crossing to Dartmouth is 5 minutes, if that, and the ferry runs every 15 minutes.

Depending on what time your boat cruise is (usually around 15:00 but varies due to tidal constraints), you’ll have time to wander around and partake in some refreshments.

Dartmouth itself oozes historic charm. You’re in for a treat if you love narrow winding streets, historic buildings, inviting cafes, independent shops, bars, and restaurants. It’s a small town but packs a punch. There is, of course, the vibrant maritime heritage too. Situated in a magnificent Georgian building, on a hill overlooking the River Dart, stands the Britannia Royal Naval College. Built in 1905 and designed by Sir Aston Webb, who also designed the fascade of Buckingham Palace and the main building of the V&A Museum. Tours are available to have a peek inside. Oh and did I mention that Dartmouth also has a castle? Yay.


Now comes my favourite part of the day – the 90 minute boat cruise. This is where I try to not hyperventilate and keel over. The cruise comes complete with interesting and fun commentary whilst you navigate around 9 miles of the River Dart. Making the most of the scenery you pass the aforementioned Britannia Royal Naval College and the pretty riverside villages of Stoke Gabriel and Dittisham. There’s also the Sharpham Estate, with its plunging wooden hillsides coming down to the water’s edge. Agatha Christie’s fabulous holiday home Greenway, now part of the National Trust, plays peek-a-boo up high between the trees. 

Not that it is the be-all and end-all you understand, but there is a bar onboard. Whoop. Oops, sorry – cue back to not the be-all and end-all. Note that its cash only (due to poor signal reception for taking card payments). So if you feel you might like something to quench your thirst for the 90 minutes while you take in the stunning views, ensure you’re suitably prepared. 


Disembarking at Totnes you may have enough time to have a sneak peek depending on your bus connection time. Totnes with its bohemian atmosphere and free spirit, attracts creatives, artists, and free thinkers. Dating back to Saxon times it has an eclectic mix of shops, galleries, independent bookshops, and organic cafes. 

If you don’t have enough time, you can always console yourself with a purchase from the ice cream kiosk near the disembarkation point. 

Oh, the anticipation as you wait for the bus. I’ve been fortunate on both occasions to have the open top bus but as per the previous disclaimer, its appearance does depend on both the weather and operational requirements. Fingers crossed for you that the sun is shining and the open top is good to go. Either way, it’s a very pleasant bus journey through the countryside and back to Paignton train station. 

So have I tempted you with the Paignton Round Robin? Do let us know what you think in the comments! Looking for more day trip inspiration? Check out 7 Great Ways To Travel Around London (And See The Sights).



health building blocks

health building blocks

Who doesn’t love a quote or 47? Let’s look at health quotes. I find them great for a bit of kick-up-the-bum motivation, must-do-some-yoga reflection, and what are you doing? Step. Away. From. The. Fridge, that gentle inner voice instruction. So without further ado, here are my favourite health quotes to kick-start and motivate. Let’s do this! 


1. ‘Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit’. – B.K.S. Iyengar
2. ‘The greatest wealth is health’. – Virgil
3. ‘Health is not just the absence of disease; it is the presence of vitality’. – Anonymous
4. ‘To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear’. – Buddha
5. ‘A healthy outside starts from the inside’. – Robert Urich
6. ‘Health is not valued till sickness comes’. – Thomas Fuller
7. ‘The groundwork for all happiness is good health’. – Leigh Hunt
8. ‘Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings’. – Publilius Syrus
9. ‘Invest in your health, it will pay you rich dividends’. – Anonymous
10. ‘Health is like money; we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it’. – Josh Billings
11. ‘A healthy lifestyle is a precious gift we give ourselves’ – Anonymous
12. ‘Happiness is the highest form of health’. – Dalai Lama
13. ‘The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system’. – Robert C. Peale
14. ‘The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease’. – Thomas Edison
15. ”Your health is an investment, not an expense’. – Anonymous
16. ‘The longer I live, the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regime’. – John Redman Coxe
17. ‘Your body hears everything your mind says’. – Naomi Judd

YOUR BODY quote - Naomi Judd

18. ‘Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend’. – Lao Tzu
19. ‘The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick’. – P.T. Barnum
20. ‘Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself’. – Anonymous
21. ‘The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not’. – Mark Twain
22. ‘The human body is the best picture of the human soul’. – Ludwig Wittgenstein
23. ‘Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see’. – Robin Sharma
24. ‘He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything’. – Arabian Proverb
25. ‘Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness’. – Joseph Pilates
26. ‘The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet’. – Wayne Fields
27. ‘The groundwork of all happiness is health’. – James Leigh Hunt
28. ‘Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain’. – Anonymous
29. ‘Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity’. – John F. Kennedy
30. ‘Health is not simply the absence of sickness’. – Hannah Green
31.  ‘The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it’. – Hippocrates
32. ‘Health is a relationship between you and your body’. – Terri Guillemets
33. ‘The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other’. – Anonymous
34. ‘Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account’ – Anne Wilson Schaef
35. ‘Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have’. – Winston Churchill
36. ‘When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied’. – Herophilus
37. ‘You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet’. – Dr Mark Hyman
You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet quote - Dr Mark Hyman
38. ‘Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy, and spirit you possess or takes away from it’. – Ann Wigmore
39. ‘Healthy is an outfit that looks different on everybody’. – Anonymous
40. ‘It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver’. – Mahatma Gandhi
41. ‘When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need’. – Ayurvedic proverb
42. ‘A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier’. – Tom Stoppard
43. ‘The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results’. – Tony Robbins
44. ‘Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness’. – Laurett Gagnon
45. ‘Your social networks may matter more than your genetic networks. But if your friends have healthy habits you are more likely to as well. So get healthy friends’. – Dr Mark Hyman
46. ‘The more you understand your body and how it functions, the better equipped you’ll be at taking care of yourself in order to achieve optimal health’. – Anonymous
47. ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. – World Health Organisation


On the subject of health, if you’re looking for a wee health kick-start then check out 7 Quick Ways to Improve Wellbeing.

So there you have it. My favourite 47 health quotes (how insightful was Thomas Edison? Wow). What’s your favourite go-to health quote that puts a spring in your step? Do let us know in the comments! 



golden eggs in a basket

golden eggs in a basket

Back on the quote theme this week. I find them great for a bit of kick-up-the-bum motivation, soul-searching reflection, and oh go on then, please guide me to make zillions. Are you listening Universe? So without further ado, here are my favourite money wisdom quotes aka money quotes. Get them there pom poms at the ready. 


1. ‘Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it’s about having a lot of options’. – Chris Rock
2. ‘The best investment you can make is in yourself ‘ – Warren Buffett
3. ‘Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune’. – Jim Rohn
4. ‘Wealth is the ability to fully experience life’. Henry David Thoreau
5. ‘The key to making money is to stay invested’. – Suze Orman
6.  ‘Wealth is the ability to give back’. – Anonymous
7.  ‘Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver’. – Ayn Rand
8. ‘The money you make is a symbol of the value you create’. – Idowu Koyenikan
9. ‘Wealth is the ability to say yes to the things that matter most and no to the things that don’t’. – Anonymous
10. ‘It’s not about the money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives’. – Michelle Obama
11. ‘Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship’. – Benjamin Franklin
12. ‘Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it’. – George Bernard Shaw
13. ‘The more you learn, the more you earn’. – Warren Buffett
14. ‘Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not the economy’. – Jim Rohn
15. ‘Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down’. – Oprah Winfrey
16. ‘Your wealth is determined by how much you can give, not how much you can get’. – Bob Proctor
17. ‘A lack of money is never a problem. A lack of ideas is the real problem’. – Ken Hakuta
18. ‘Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it’. – Robert Kiyosaki
19. ‘There are people who have money, and there are people who are rich’. – Coco Chanel

There are people that - golden egg in a nest - Coco Chanel quote

20. ‘You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you’. – Dave Ramsey
21. ‘Money is power, and women need more of both’. – Diane Von Furstenberg
22. ‘Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant’. – P. T. Barnum
23. ‘If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die’. – Warren Buffett
24. ‘The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it’. – Henry David Thoreau
25. ‘Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this’. – Dave Ramsey
26. ‘Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that’. – Norman Vincent Peale
27. ‘The first rule of investment is don’t lose money. The second rule is don’t forget the first rule’. – Warren Buffett
28. ‘Financial freedom is not just about having money; it’s about having control over your money’. – Anonymous
29. ‘When money realises it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands’. – Idowu Koyenikan
30. ‘A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went’. – Dave Ramsey
31. ‘In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable’. – Robert Arnott
32. ‘Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable’. – Clare Boothe Luce
33. ‘Financial freedom is available to those who are willing to live differently’. – Dave Ramsey
34. ‘Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas’. – Paul Samuelson
35. ‘The four most dangerous words in investing are: ‘This time it’s different’. – Sir John Templeton
36. ‘If you buy things you don’t need, soon you will have to sell things you need’. – Warren Buffett
37. ‘Do not save what is left after spending; instead, spend what is left after saving’. – Warren Buffett
38. ‘Money gives you the power to change things for yourself and for others. Use it wisely’. – Melinda Gates


39. ‘Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning’. – Robert Kiyosaki
40. ‘The question isn’t whether you have the money; it’s whether you have the hustle’. – Nicki Minaj
41. ‘How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case’. – Robert G. Allen
42. ‘Money is a blank slate that gets its value from the energy and meaning we give it’. – Jen Sincero
43. ‘I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful’. – Warren Buffet
44. ‘Success isn’t just about making money. It’s about making a difference’. – Anonymous
45. ‘Money is fun to make, fun to spend and fun to give away’. – Sara Blakely
46. ‘Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants’. – Epictetus
47. ‘Don’t think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money’. – Voltaire

So that’s my 47 money wisdom quotes. Fess up that number 32 made me chuckle. To help you along with number 30, wondering where your money went, head over to 5 Reasons Why You Need A Money Management Worksheet. Back to money quotes, let us know your favourite in the comments!



prop plane view from plane window over turquoise sea

prop plane view from plane window over turquoise sea

I think you might notice by the design of this website that I love a quote! I find them great for a bit of kick-up-the-bum motivation, soul-searching reflection, and oh go on then, whisk me away inspiration. So without further ado, here’s my favourite travel quotes to inspire or inspirational travel quotes, if you prefer. Cue whistles, bells, and rapturous applause.


1. ‘Travelling solo doesn’t always mean you’re alone. Most often, it means you’re brave enough to explore the world on your own terms’. – Anonymous
2. ‘To Travel is to live’. – Hans Christian Andersen
3. ‘We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us’.  – Nweke Pascal
4. ‘The world is too big to stay in one place and life is too short to do just one thing’. – Anonymous
5. ‘You can’t control the past, but you can control where you go next’. – Kirsten Hubbard
6. ‘The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way’. – Anonymous
7. ‘Travelling is not something you’re good at. It’s something you do. Like breathing’. – Gayle Foreman
8. ‘Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world’. – Gustava Flaubert
9. ‘Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before’. – Dalai Lama
10. ‘Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail’. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
11. ‘We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost’. – Ray Bradbury
12. ‘You don’t have to be rich to travel well’. – Eugene Fodor
13. ‘Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller’. – Ibn Battuta
14. ‘Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer’. – Anonymous
15. ‘The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page’. – Saint Augustine
16. ‘Travelling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, ‘I would stay and love you, but I have to go’. – Lisa St. Aubin de Teran

blue sky with white and grey cloud formations and travel quote (2)

17. ‘Life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better’. – Simon Raven
18. ‘Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell’. – Paula Bendfeldt
19. ‘Adventure awaits, go find it’. – Anonymous
20. ‘Travel is never a matter of money but of courage’. – Paulo Coelho
21. ‘Don’t listen to what they say, go see’. – Anonymous
22. ‘Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow’. – Anita Desai
23. ‘When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money’. – Susan Heller Anderson
24. ‘I would rather own a little and see the world, than own the world and see a little of it’. – Anonymous
25. ‘I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list’.  – Susan Sontag
26. ‘Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness’. – Mark Twain
27. ‘The greatest adventure is what lies ahead’. – J.R.R. Tolkien
28. ‘You never really travel alone, the world is full of friends waiting to get to know you’. – Anonymous
29. ‘Travel teaches us to embrace life’. – Simon Reeve
30. ‘We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves’. – Pico Iver
31. ‘Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all’. – Hellen Keller
32. ‘Travelling is like investing in yourself’. – Anonymous
33. ‘For my part, I travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move’. – Robert Louis Stevenson
34. ‘A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step’.  – Lao Tzu
35. ‘You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life’. – Rumi
36. ‘Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life – and travel – leaves marks on you’. – Anthony Bourdain
37.Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life’. – Michael Palin
38. ‘Travelling is more fun – hell, life is more fun – if you can treat it as a series of impulses’. – Bill Bryson

travelling is more fun bill bryson quote on image of sea and pier

39. ‘Not all those who wander are lost’. – J.R.R. Tolkein
40. ‘I read, I travel, I become’. – Derek Walcott
41. ‘It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end’. – Ursula K. Le Guin
42. ‘We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls’. – Anais Nin
43. ‘Exploration is curiosity put into action’. – Don Walsh
44. ‘The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper’. – Bertrand Russell
45. ‘Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost’. – Erol Ozan
46.  ‘Travel far, travel wide, travel deep. Travel light, travel heavy, travel with all of your heart’. – Anonymous
47. ‘Now more than ever do I realise that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere’. – Isabelle Eberhardt


So that’s my 47 travel quotes to inspire. Wanderlust induced? Chomping at the bit to get your bags packed? Head on over to The Best Solo Trips for Women. Back to them there inspirational travel quotes,  let us know your favourite in the comments!




STROKE Stethoscope and pills and heart

STROKE Stethoscope and pills and heart

I recently attended an event that featured two inspirational women. Both with different back stories on overcoming adversity. One of whom, Camilla, had suffered a stroke. A devastating thunderbolt that is very close to my heart. As it happens, May is Stroke Awareness Month.

A stroke, also known as a brain attack, can occur in one of two ways. Either the blood supply is cut off to the brain, blocked by a clot, or too narrow blood vessels (ischaemic stroke). Alternatively, there is a bleed on the brain, where the blood vessel bursts, (haemorrhagic stroke). Both result in damaged or destroyed brain cells.

Depending on the severity and where the stroke has hit, reflects in the aftermath. Survival. Do you or don’t you. Overcoming or living with paralysed limbs to speech, number, and word recognition aphasia. There is no ‘one size fits all’.

A third type of stroke is a TIA (transient ischaemic attack). Referred to as a mini-stroke. It might last seconds, a few minutes, or a few hours and then you feel fine. Something you could easily dismiss as a ‘funny turn’. However, it is VITAL that you get this stroke checked AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Shouting? You bet. It can be a precursor to a full-blown stroke. The symptoms are the same as a stroke. 


  • 113,000 people – the number who have a stroke each year in the UK
  • 1.3 million people – the number of stroke survivors in the UK
  • Globally 1 in 4 adults over the age of 25 will have a stroke in their lifetime
  • Age 18 – 50 accounts for 10 -15% of strokes
  • Over 110 million people over the world have experienced a stroke


As an annual campaign, the aim is to raise public awareness about a stroke, alongside prevention, and the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms to look out for. I think the FAST campaign is reinforced for a good reason.

Fundraising events are promoted to support research and education, together with a weekly lottery and raffle where your contribution goes toward helping people rebuild their lives after a stroke.

By spreading and raising awareness about a stroke and its warning signs, Stroke Awareness Month has definitive goals. These goals are to save lives, prevent disabilities, and improve the outcome for individuals who experience a stroke.


Anyone can experience a stroke at any time.

Women, however, are deemed at a higher risk of a stroke if they take birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, or experience migraines with aura (seeing flashing lights).

High Blood Pressure is quoted as the biggest single cause of a stroke, resulting in approximately half of all strokes in the UK.

Smoking 20 cigarettes a day increases your risk factor 6 fold in that you are 6 times more likely to have a stroke than a non-smoker.

Underlying health conditions like diabetes have a link to a higher risk of a stroke although with proper treatment and diet, this can be managed.  

Stress is also a potential factor in strokes. 

For further health awareness, head on over to 7 Quick Ways to Improve Wellbeing.


Stroke symptoms in women and men can vary. Some overlap with the symptoms experienced by men but women can also experience unique symptoms. The main thing to note is that stroke symptoms can occur suddenly out of nowhere and require immediate medical attention.

Here’s some common stroke symptoms that both men and women can experience:

  • Facial drooping. Is one side of their face drooping or feeling numbness or a tingling sensation on one side of the face? Can they smile?
  • Arm weakness. Is one arm weak or numb? Can they raise their arms? Sudden weakness or numbness aside from arms, can occur in the face or leg. Additionally, numbness, can result on one side of the body. Women may also experience weakness or numbness in the torso or other areas.
  • Speech difficulty. Is speech slurred or confusing? Do they look like they are struggling to find the right words? To check ask the person to repeat a simple sentence.
  • Confusion or trouble with thinking. Disorientation and understanding. They may also have trouble recognizing people or places.
  • Vision problems. A sudden experience of blurred or double vision. They have a loss of vision in one or both eyes. They might also have difficulty seeing objects clearly.
  • Severe headache. Different from their usual headache or migraine. Alongside severe, sudden, and could be accompanied by vomiting and dizziness or a stiff neck. 
  • Dizziness or loss of balance. They may feel dizzy or have trouble with coordination and balance or feel unsteady.

Additional symptoms women have reported include hiccups, chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, fatigue, and a racing heartbeat. 

As previously touched on, here’s the FAST acronym:

  • F: Has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile?
  • A: Arm weakness. Can they raise both arms and keep them there?
  • S: Speech difficulties. Is their speech slurred?
  • T: Time to call emergency services. If you see ANY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. 

Acting quickly can help minimize the damage caused by a stroke and thereby improve the chance of a full recovery.


Camilla is a year into her recovery and has made amazing progress. From wheelchair to walking.  She has also purchased a blood pressure device as she discovered that she suffers from high blood pressure.

As for the close to my heart, my sibling. He is my hero and continues to astound me with his grit and determination and the progress he has made and continues to make. Year after year.

Please do share this with everyone you know. Not just for May. Let’s make every month Stroke Awareness Month. Thank you.



jigsaw puzzle benefits

jigsaw puzzle benefits

Ok, ok, not the most thrilling of headlines, I admit. However continuing on our Wealth theme, this week, we are on the subject of pensions. Woohoo. Seen as a ‘must have’ for your retirement plan unless you’ve got a successful investment strategy, won the lotto, have a mega inheritance, or a property portfolio. (Delete as appropriate). Pensions are hot news. Especially in France. Pension reform anyone? Let’s consider the benefits of a pension plan.


For want of stating the obvious, pensions are designed to give you a guaranteed income for life when you retire. How much you receive involves many factors including the type of pension you have chosen.

Pension plans come in a variety of shapes and sizes with different terms and conditions depending on the plan and investment strategy you opt for.

For this ‘benefits’ overview, I’m going to pop them into three header categories – Workplace Pension – Personal Pension – State Pension.


A bit of background. In 2012, the UK introduced automatic enrolment for a workplace pension (also known as a company pension). Initially started with larger companies but subsequently rolled out to all companies. In a nutshell, its purpose is to ensure that new employees are automatically enrolled in a pension scheme. Thus helping people save towards their retirement.

To qualify you need to be between the ages of 22 and State Pension age and earning a minimum of £10,000 per year. There are a few exceptions when your employer does not have to automatically enrol you.

By law, the minimum contribution of 8% of your earnings must be paid into your pension. 3% by your employer and 5% by you, the employee.

Some companies offer to match your contribution and to also put in more than the minimum 3%. Well worth sleuthing workplace benefits when you are looking into a new job!

You might have the opportunity to put in up to 10% of your monthly salary. That percentage is matched by your employer. A total of 20% of your earnings now going towards your retirement. Thereby doubling your contributions. An offer to grab with both hands in my humble…

steps to red arrow up

If you work in the government sector employer offerings are generally much higher. So company contributions are just one of the benefits of a pension plan.

Regarding contributions, the government offers tax relief of 25% towards your contributions. For basic rate taxpayers, if you put in an extra £100, the government will top it up with £25 in tax relief. Making a total contribution of £125. That’s why, if your company provides a bonus scheme, savvy employees put their bonus into their pension to maximise their benefits. The result is less tax and more gain. All hail. 

Further info on pension contributions can be found here.

If you’re lucky enough to have a defined benefits pension plan (also known as final salary), your employer would have agreed to pay you a retirement income based on your salary and number of years of service. Lucky, because these plans do not generally require employee contributions. Their setup and guarantee viewed as lucrative. Due to the employer expense, they’re also few and far between.


There is nothing to stop you taking out a personal pension plan and making contributions yourself. Sometimes your employer will pay into your personal pension plan but that is not a requirement or a given.

Self-employed? The main benefit of a personal pension is the tax benefit. The same rules apply here as for those on a company pension. For both basic rate taxpayers and higher tax earners. The latter of whom can benefit from additional tax relief making for an advantageous way to increase your retirement pot.

glasses pension red writing turquoise calculator


Set up by the government, the State Pension is dependent upon the number of years of your National Insurance contributions. If you qualify for the full State Pension, then you are eligible to receive £203.85 per week.


In conclusion, both workplace pensions and personal pensions allow you to access 25% of your pension pot tax-free at the age of 55. This is due to rise to 57 years in 2028. These pensions do go up and down depending on the investment strategies of the plans you have chosen.

The State Pension age is also being reviewed and is set to increase from 67 years. The latter, as you have seen by the figures, does not provide you with a great income. Unless that is, you have your ducks in a row and other plans in place to supplement it. You might like to look at Financial Planning for Women.  

Either way, if used wisely pensions can provide a great source of retirement income, generally due to the way they work with compound interest, alongside tax relief.

Oh, and some people might have multiple pensions, depending on how many jobs they’ve had. Inserts sheepish grin. Aside from pensions, you might wish to see that you are on track with your financial plan. So there you have it, the benefits of a pension plan. Over to you. Lover of pensions or not? Do let us know in the comments!



Whitby Abbey

Whitby Abbey

If you haven’t been to Whitby then you’re missing a real treat. Whitby Abbey’s gothic ruins are a dramatic focal point perched high on the hilltop overlooking the town. Below, the River Esk and the North Sea caress its shores. Captain Cook started his sailing career here and let’s not forget Whitby Dracula. So-called because Bram Stoker declared the Abbey ruins his inspiration for Dracula.

Whitby is a seaside and fishing town in North Yorkshire with an abundance of charming, quirky narrow alleyways and cobbled streets. The River Esk separates the two sides, with the east side of Whitby (where the Abbey is) dating back to 657 AD.

Grade I and Grade II listed buildings abound. It’s kind of architecture heaven with some of its quirky wonders.


Where to begin?


Doh. Yep, that’s right up at the top of the list. Now under the English Heritage banner, brace yourself for the 199 steps to get to the top of the East Cliff. Originally made of wood but replaced by Sneaton Stone in 1774. There are benches along the way where you can take a breather (unlike earlier inhabitants as the benches were originally used to rest coffins on!). Then the usage was for the exhausted pallbearers.

As the steps end, you enter the ancient graveyard of the Church of St Mary. Many of the older tombstones are faded but if you sleuth, you can find some with skull and crossbones. Apparently, Humpty Dumpty is buried there too. Not THE Humpty Dumpty but a Canon who happened to have the same name…

A few steps further on there’s the entrance to the Abbey ruins. There’s a fee to visit. You can, however see the top of the majestic remnants of the original 13th-century Benedictine Abbey above the wall. You might even see Whitby Dracula perched there. Ok, or not but hey, worth a look?

There’s even accommodation in the form of a YHA, housed in a stunning Grade I listed mansion alongside a cafe that is open to all. Another thirst-quenching location after your ascent is the Whitby Brewery. Take a sip and admire the view.


Now I mentioned earlier that Captain James Cook started his sailing apprenticeship in Whitby. At that time he also lodged with his master, Captain John Walker, in Grape Lane. That 17th-century house is now home to the Captain Cook Museum. How fab is that? Real footsteps stuff. Once inside, apart from all the history and collections on display, including original letters from Cook, you’re also treated to a great view of the harbour.

Note that HMS Endeavour, the vessel Cook used on his most famous voyage to Australia and New Zealand was built in Whitby.


As you would expect from being by the sea, there’s a plethora of Whitby fish and chips shops, touting fresh locally caught fish. Crab and lobster pots are also piled high along the quayside. You’ll see the queues for TrenchesHadley’s, Magpie Cafe, and Papas Fish and Chips. All are award-winning.


Not your normal version of a seaside pier, I grant you. Whitby has two piers, the East Pier and the West Pier both have lighthouses at the end. The piers are positioned at the mouth of the harbour and make for a fine walk while yaffling your fish and chips.

Whitby West Pier and beach


Whitby has a couple of beaches. Tate Hill Beach is the beach by the East Pier where you can while away the time fossil hunting. The other big sandy beach is by the West Pier and is known as both West Cliff Beach and Sands Beach.

For the latter, head past the amusements and funfair. You can’t miss it. When the tide’s out it’s about an hour’s walk past the colourful beach huts to Sandsend. Even if the tide is in there’s a flat path just above the beach.

I didn’t quite make it to Sandsend due to that Brit thing we all moan about. Groan. A sudden downpour. Soaked doesn’t cover it. On the plus side, brisk walking along the top path brought me back to the next must-visit spot.


So into the Royal Crescent on the West Cliff, and back to Whitby Dracula. In 1890 Bram Stoker stayed at a guesthouse located at 6 Royal Crescent. From here he would set off exploring and gain inspiration from the stunning landscape viewed from up high.

Additionally, the West Cliff also houses the bronze statue Captain Cook Memorial and the much-photographed Whale Bone Arch. The latter is a nod to Whitby’s whaling industry. The bones were originally erected in 1853, although they’ve been replaced a few times. The latest version is a gift from Alaska in 2003. The originals reside in the Whitby Archives and Heritage Centre.

Whitby views from the West Cliff


Whitby has an abundance of festivals. Get ready for some that you won’t want to miss in 2025:

Pirate Festival – Ahoy me hearties. Time to don the Captain Jack Sparrow outfit. Go mad with the eyeliner. 29 August – 31 August.

The Whitby Regatta – Yacht and boat races, full on entertainment, fireworks and more heralds a jam-packed nautical weekend. 09 – 11 August.

The Dracula Society – not a festival per se, but (a) I love the name, and (b) they hold regular events including the annual Bram Stoker birthday dinner

Whitby Goth weekend takes place in both April and October/November. Grab that black eyeliner again and get the lippie version too…

Fish and Ships Festival – a celebration of everything that is Whitby fish and ships, with live cookery demos, and music. Nom, nom, nom.


As befits a town with so much history, check out the Ghost Walks. Worn out from lots of walking? Head to the quay for coastal cruises be that day or sunset. There are also Pirate boat trips and a smaller version of the Endeavour that you can set sail with.

All aboard the choo choo train. Step back in time with a steam train adventure. If you’re a train lover, and planning other adventures, take a peek at Overnight Train Rides.


Whether it’s nearly home time or you’ve just arrived, you’re on your holiday. You’ve got to treat yourself eh?

Whitby Jet is an intense black gemstone formed during the Jurassic era. Several shops along Church Street sell jewellery made from Whitby Jet. There’s also a Museum of Whitby Jet.

Jewellery not your thing, and hoping your luck might change? Well, with one of the Whitby Lucky Ducks, it just might. Pop one of these cute, handcrafted glass ducks in your bag and carry it around for good vibes.


Whether it’s Whitby Dracula spotting, Abbey immersion, lovely walks, festival frolics, beach chilling, cute shops, eating and drinking establishments. You can have it all. Looking to head further afield? May I present The Best Solo Trips for Women.

Have you been to Whitby or is it now on your to-do? Do let us know in the comments!